
Does your business need to reduce energy costs and increase sustainability?

Two thirds of your electricity costs are attributed to using grid energy supplies. We can help power your business with renewable energy, avoiding the grid avoids the costs.

By building a renewable energy project near your business, you could benefit from cost-effective, customised solutions that support your sustainability goals.

View our brochure to find out more.

Our Solutions

These tailored technologies can reduce your costs and cut your emissions:

Solar Power

Solar power works by converting energy from the sun into power. There are two forms of energy generated from the sun for our use – electricity and heat. Both are generated through the use of solar panels, which range in size from residential rooftops to ‘solar farms’ stretching over acres of rural land.

Battery Storage

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are developments that store electricity, at times of high generation and low demand, and release this energy back onto the grid system in times of high demand

Wind Power

Wind power or wind energy describes the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power.

What We Do

We are energy project specialists, unlocking energy generation and storage, allowing you to take greater control of your energy costs.

The Benefits

Reasons for your business to switch to a clean energy project

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    Reduce energy costs

    We can connect businesses directly to a renewable energy source, removing the grid, removes the costs.

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    Achieve sustainability

    We help businesses switch to green energy, reducing the reliance on the grid reduces your carbon footprint and increases sustainability.

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    Enhance energy security

    The energy you currently use from the grid will still be there, our projects provide additional generation reinforcing supplies.

Why Balance Power

What sets us apart, why choose us?

Working with our expert team, we can develop bespoke energy generation, setting your business up for a greener more profitable future.

  • 01
    Our 94% success rate

    Our expert team are committed to every project, delivering results for businesses.

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    We take full financial risk

    We understand the energy market, and are confident in what we do, so all development costs are borne by us. You just agree to buy the energy you use.

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    34 projects and counting

    Our track record in development means businesses can be confident that the projects that we propose will deliver the results you need.

The Process

How we transform your business energy needs and cut your costs.



We perform detailed modelling of your historic half-hourly data, incorporating your key objectives, to design an ideal renewable energy system and size.



Now we understand your requirements, we identify suitable locations for the identified technology. Working with landowners and the community to host the project you need.



Our expert in house team knows what it takes to create a bankable project, we will focus on delivering the most robust project, connecting you faster to cheaper, cleaner more secure energy.



We finance the entire project covering all capital expenditure. You just sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) which pays us for every kWh you use and allows you to focus on your business growth.



We installed 13, highly efficient 1.56MW gas reciprocating generating units which now provide electricity during periods of high demand.

More Projects
