BESS: Battery Energy Storage Systems Explained

In our rapidly evolving world, energy demands are skyrocketing. From powering our homes and gadgets to fueling industries and transportation, the need for reliable and efficient energy storage has never been greater.

Battery Energy Storage Systems, or “BESS” for short, are becoming increasingly important. But what are BESS, how do they work, and why should we care?

In this blog, we'll break down BESS in simple terms to help you understand their significance and potential impact on our daily lives. We’ll also explain how they can help businesses reduce their carbon emissions.

The Basics of BESS

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) have emerged as a key player in transforming the energy landscape. These systems employ advanced energy storage technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries and flow batteries, to effectively store excess energy for later use.

BESS is instrumental in improving the reliability and flexibility of electricity grids. It ensures a stable supply of power even during peak demand periods. Particularly in the commercial and industrial sectors, BESS is becoming the leading cost-effective solution.

Reducing energy costs and mitigating peak demand charges not only helps industries economise but also supports grid stability. The concept of "front of the meter" (FtM) solutions using BESS is becoming a standard practice.

Like all renewable energy sources, BESS plays an important role in the transition towards sustainable and eco-friendly energy solutions.

How Does BESS Work?

A Battery Energy Storage System works by storing excess electricity when it's available and releasing it when it's needed.

To understand this, think of BESS as a middleman between electricity supply and demand. When there's an excess of electricity (for instance, during windy days with abundant wind energy or sunny days with ample solar power), BESS stores the surplus energy in its batteries.

Conversely, when there's a high electricity demand (like on a scorching summer day when everyone cranks up their air conditioners), BESS kicks in and supplies the stored energy to the grid. This helps maintain a reliable and stable power supply, preventing blackouts and disruptions.

Where Are Battery Storage Systems Located?

A Battery Storage System is usually strategically placed in various locations to increase the efficiency and resilience of the energy infrastructure.

Large BESS facilities connect to grid-scale electrical networks. This helps to balance solar energy supply and demand, manage grid stability, and store excess energy during low demand for use during peak demand.

BESS is typically installed alongside renewable energy generation facilities, such as wind or solar farms. They help to improve the storage and utilisation of energy generated under optimal circumstances.

The Benefits of BESS

Businesses often use BESS in commercial and industrial settings to improve energy management, lower peak demand expenses, and ensure a consistent supply of electricity.

The increasing usage of residential BESS by homeowners improves self-sufficiency and reduces dependency on the grid by allowing them to store extra energy produced by solar panels.

In rural or off-grid areas, BESS plays an important role in storing energy from generators or renewables to maintain a continuous and stable power source.  BESS's adaptability makes it an important participant in modernising and optimising energy systems of all sizes and applications.

In simple terms, BESS is highly important in the energy landscape as it:

  • Reduces the reliance on the national grid for electricity.
  • Allows renewable energy to be stored for when weather conditions are not optimal.
  • Can be used to provide backup power in the event of any power outages.
  • Helps with saving money during peak periods whether costs are high.
  • Reduces carbon emissions.
  • Helps helps businesses improve their energy management.
  • Can be used to charge electronic vehicles despite increased energy demands.

Challenges and Considerations

While BESS offers many benefits, some challenges and considerations come with its deployment.


The upfront cost of implementing BESS can be significant, although it is gradually decreasing as technology improves and economies of scale are realised.

Environmental Impact

The production and disposal of batteries can have environmental impacts. Proper recycling and disposal methods are essential to mitigating these concerns.


BESS systems require regular maintenance to ensure they function correctly and have a long lifespan.

Energy Loss

There can be some energy loss during the process of storing and releasing electricity, although advances in battery technology are reducing these losses.


Battery safety is a critical concern, especially for large-scale BESS installations. Proper safety measures and protocols are essential to prevent accidents and fires.

The Future of Battery Energy Storage Systems

The future of Battery Energy Storage Systems is looking bright. As technology advances, BESS is becoming more affordable, efficient, and accessible.

Researchers and engineers are working on developing better battery energy technologies, such as solid-state batteries, which promise higher energy density, a longer lifespan, and improved safety.

In addition to technological advancements, government policies and incentives are playing a significant role in promoting the adoption of BESS. Many countries are offering incentives for businesses and homeowners to invest in energy storage, making it an attractive option for a broader range of people.

BESS is not just limited to stationary applications like grid stabilisation and backup power. They are also making their way into electric vehicles and even portable devices.

As BESS technology becomes more pervasive, it will have a substantial impact on reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and advancing the transition to a more sustainable energy future.

Opt For Battery Energy Storage Systems With Balance Power

Battery Energy Storage Systems, or BESS, are the backbone of our changing energy world. They store extra electricity, balance the power grid, and make renewable energy work better.

Businesses can benefit a lot from BESS. It helps them save money, cut down on emissions, and support using electricity effectively, like for transportation. It also helps to improve the business’ ESG score and increase its reputation.

Even though there are challenges, the future of BESS looks bright. As technology and rules get better, BESS will become a regular and important part of our energy system.

Picture a future where our energy is clean, efficient, and affordable, thanks to BESS. So, the next time you charge your phone or drive your electric car, remember that BESS is behind the scenes, making it all happen.

If you’re a business owner wanting to improve or are a land owner wanting to be part of an eco-friendly future, we would love to hear from you! To get in touch with us at Balance Power, call 0151 958 0431 or send an email to We're here and excited to hear from you!